Here are some deprecated projects that I no longer maintain. Some don't work anymore, some are unneeded, some aren't very good, some weren't very popular and some I just got bored with. The only maintenance work I do on these are security fixes for projects which are still used by people.

PixoPoint SMF Widget
Sorry, but there are better ways to do this now. This project has been deprecated and is no longer in development. This page will be kept online for archival purposes and in case anyone is still interested in the project despite being no longer maintained. […]

PixoPoint WordPress Unzipper
Sorry, but there are better ways to do this now. This project has been deprecated and is no longer in development. This page will be kept online for archival purposes and in case anyone is still interested in the project despite being no longer maintained. […]

Aqua Vaccinium
Sorry, but there are better ways to do this now. This project has been deprecated and is no longer in development. This page will be kept online for archival purposes and in case anyone is still interested in the project despite being no longer maintained. […]

CobaltCloud Theme
A child theme designed for the hosted blog service. The parent theme is Titan, a two column widgetised theme with a dropdown menu.

Beta: bbPress Forum Theme Generator
Template generator for bbPress version 1.0. Edit your forum design without ever touching a line of code.

Theme Generator
Design your own website without having to touch a single line of code. Export your design as a WordPress theme.

Photocopy is a plugin used for moving media files from WordPress to Amazon S3 during the upload process. The plugin can be used for both backup purposes or for utilizing Amazon as your primary file store.

WordPress CSS Parser
Tool for converting your CSS to abide by the WordPress CSS coding standards. Enter your CSS into the form, click the “Format CSS” button and wait for your freshly formatted CSS to arrive.

Google Analytics
A cut down uber simple plugin which allows individual site owners to simply insert their Analytics code with no other “frills” so they can track their sites performance, as well as allowing network owners for multi-site networks to enter their own Analytics code.

Customizer Link
Adds a “Customizer” link to the “Appearance” menu in WordPress. This is useful for providing a convenient place for your site admins to edit the design without having to navigate via the themes page.

Theme Integrator
A useful tool for integrating the themes of two different pieces of software. Allows you to use your WordPress header, menus, widgets, footer etc. in another piece of software and have them update dynamically when your WordPress site changes.

Code Comments
A WordPress plugin which allows your site visitors to post fragments of code in their comments (wrapped in <code>…</code>) which are automatically encoded instead of them having to convert them to HTML entities such as > and <.

Deregister Contact Form 7 plugin
The Contact Form 7 plugin comes packaged with a bunch of CSS and javascript files. These are not needed and so this plugin removes all of those before they are inserted into your pages, therefore improving load times and reducing code clutter.

Offline cache plugin
Modern browsers include offline caching functionality. The Offline cache plugin for WordPress allows you to easily implement this.

Hybrid Tabs CSS
The excellent Hybrid Tabs plugin by Justin Tadlock does not work straight out of the box for themes which were not coded to be compatible with it. The Hybrid Tabs CSS plugin adds the necessary CSS to ensure it works straight out of the box with (most) themes.

Disable Grunion Admin link
WordPress plugin for removing the extra top-level link the Grunion contact form plugin adds to your WordPress admin menu.

e-Commerce Disabler
The WP e-Commerce plugin is an excellent tool for adding shopping cart functionality to your website, however you often do not require the extra CSS and JavaScript files which the plugin adds to your site. If you don’t have a use for these files, then install “PixoPoint e-Commerce Disabler” to automatically turn off all the extraneous features which you may not need.

JavaScript Edit
Allows users to add JavaScript via a WordPress admin page. Ideal for use on WordPress multi-site networks.

Google Maps
Allows you to simply copy and paste the embed code from the Google Maps service and it will be automagically converted into a WordPress shortcode.

PixoPoint Email Submit plugin
Allows you to accept email address submissions and download those lists in convenient text files. Ideal for anyone wishing to create an email newsletter.

Add Spans to Titles
A simple plugin for adding unique span tags to each individual word in your WordPress page titles. This allows you to style each word differently from another via CSS.

Google Docs
Adds a shortcode for embedding Google Docs into your site. Ideal for use on WordPress multisite networks where non-trusted users may need to embed docs.

WP Twitter Feed fix
Cater to https only pages when using the WP Twitter feed plugin. No more certificate errors when viewing a site utilising the plugin.

PixoPoint Disable BackupBuddy
Disables the admin pages for the BackupBuddy plugin by iThemes for everyone but Super Admins. This is useful for multisite networks.

PixoPoint Contextual Help
Intended as a way for WordPress Multi-site network administrators to customise and streamline the contextual help within WordPress.

PixoPoint Menu beta
Adds an SEO friendly, accessible regular or dropdown menu to your WordPress powered site. The plugin is 100% compatible with my dropdown menu CSS generator.

PixoPoint Adsense plugin
Site editors can copy javascript from the Google Adsense site into a post, the javascript will be automagically converted into a WordPress shortcode.

Multi-level Navigation Plugin for WordPress
Generates the code necessary to create a dropdown, vertical flyout or horizontal slider menu.

Audio Shortcode plugin
Display a flash MP3 player on your site through the use of a WordPress shortcode. Upload an mp3 and link to it using the [audio] shortcode.

PixoPoint Video shortcodes
Automagically converts Youtube, Viddler, Vimeo and VideoPress embed codes into WordPress shortcodes.

PixoPoint Google Calendar
Allows editors to simply copy and paste the embed code from the Google Calendar service and it will be automagically converted into a WordPress shortcode.

Comment Errors
WordPress plugin which prevents your site visitors from ever seeing the ugly default error page in WordPress and instead redirects them back to where they were attempting to post to, and adds an appropriate error message to the comments section.

List Nested Pages
Sorry, but there are better ways to do this now. This project has been deprecated and is no longer in development. This page will be kept online for archival purposes and in case anyone is still interested in the project despite being no longer maintained. […]