Sorry, but there are better ways to do this now. This project has been deprecated and is no longer in development. This page will be kept online for archival purposes and in case anyone is still interested in the project despite being no longer maintained.

The Adds Span Tags to Titles plugin is intended as a simple way to add unique span tags to each individual word in your page titles. This allows you to style each word differently from another via CSS. You will need to know some CSS to utilize this plugin, it will not add new colours (or other styling) for you.

Download PixoPoint Add Spans to Titles plugin

PixoPoint Add Spans to Titles WordPress plugin in action


After you have installed and activated the plugin, all of your page titles (which utilize the the_title() function will have each word wrapped in a span tag with a unique class. By modifying your themes CSS file to style the span tags you can alter the look of each individual word in a title, ie: different coloured words etc.

Directly hooking into the plugin function

You can also use this plugin by wrapping pieces of text with the function pixopoint_add_spans_around_words().

<?php echo pixopoint_add_spans_around_words( 'this is some text' ); ?>


Sorry, but we don’t have time to provide free support for this plugin. If you find any bugs, please report them in our support forum. For direct help via the plugin author please sign up for the PixoPoint Premium Support service.