Simple CMS theme update

Published March 10th, 2013 under Templates

A very popular theme of mine has an overdue upgrade. Simple CMS theme was released in 2009 and was intended for use in building very simple static websites.

Admin panel. What does the future hold?

Published March 9th, 2013 under Plugins

I originally authored this post on WP Realm, but I moved it back here after that website folded. I received an interesting email recently from Tung Do, a man who has been a well respected member of the WordPress community for quite some time. He […]

Server Move Notification plugin released

Published March 7th, 2013 under Plugins

Ever moved WordPress and had to deal with upset clients who lost their edits during the move? Then you may appreciate the Server Move Notification plugin.

Spam Destroyer update

Published March 6th, 2013 under Plugins

Spam Destroyer plugin ought to report when a comment is marked as spam. Future updates will hopefully include a simple CAPTCHA system.

Why you should stop your plugin from updating

Published January 17th, 2013 under Practical

Per Soderlind recently alerted me to a rather important security issue regarding plugins hosted outside of All hosted plugins receive plugin updates from Commercial plugins often add scripts to provide plugin updates from other sources*, but the vast majority of plugins simply go without […]

WP Twitter Feed fix created

Published December 12th, 2012 under Plugins

A plugin to fix the WP Twitter Feed widget’s certificate errors when viewed with https.

Dealing with suspended blogs on multisite

Published December 7th, 2012 under General

Use a blog-deleted.php file which redirects to another site/page whenever a deleted or suspended blog is visited in WordPress multisite.

Profile widget released

Published December 6th, 2012 under Plugins

I have launched a new WordPress plugin called Profile Widget. It allows you to add an avatar and bio text for the current post author on each single posts page. Hopefully this will be useful to those of you wanting to display information about your […]

Custom tag page headers

Published December 2nd, 2012 under Plugins

Support for tags has been added to the Unique Headers plugin for WordPress. Existing users should see an update shortly.

Are Your Plugins Secure? Part 2: Permissions and Nonces

Published November 20th, 2012 under General

I originally authored this post on WP Realm, but I moved it back here after that website folded. Following on from “Are your plugins secure?, this post is a simple breakdown on what to look for security-wise when auditing plugins. In the previous post I […]