Disable Gutenberg junk
Published April 13th, 2018 under Plugins
I’ve been playing around with the new Gutenberg plugin for WordPress. It’s direction is great and I really love it, but it has an annoying problem.
Published April 13th, 2018 under Plugins
I’ve been playing around with the new Gutenberg plugin for WordPress. It’s direction is great and I really love it, but it has an annoying problem.
Published March 27th, 2018 under Plugins
Whilst perusing the bitchy rants on WP Tavern, I came across an excellent recommendation from Samuel Wood (aka Otto) for an alternativeto the Hello Dolly plugin. It’s called “Hello Samuel L Jackson” and it loads some excellent philosophical words shared by a great poet.
Published February 9th, 2018 under News, Plugins
It is 10 years today since I released my first ever WordPress plugin. It’s been a blast, and I’ll probably release more in the future too. That first plugin was “Ryans Suckerfish WordPress Dropdown Menu”. It was in response to a blog post by Miriam […]
Published August 8th, 2017 under Plugins
I recently needed to set the default number of products selected in WooCommerce to 1. I created a plugin to achieve this.
Published June 9th, 2017 under Plugins
When someone asks me to setup 404 logging in WordPress, I go on the hunt for a simple plugin which just does logging of the 404 errors and nothing else.
Published May 31st, 2017 under Plugins
I had a problem which involved editing bbPress post names. So I created a plugin to allow forum admins to easily change the author of any bbPress post.
Published December 20th, 2016 under Plugins
I’ve created a new WordPress plugin. This one is fairly basic, and simply used for adding an audio file uploader to your site. You can read about it more on it’s plugin page.
Published September 12th, 2016 under Plugins
Using DISALLOW_FILE_MODS disables WordPress update notices. Jay Dansand of Lawrence University has solved this via an elegant little plugin.
Published August 3rd, 2015 under Plugins
To encourage WordPress plugin users to review my plugins on WordPress.org, I decided I should prompt users to review them.
Published August 1st, 2015 under Plugins
CAPTCHA’s are bad ‘mkay! But worse than CAPTCHA’s, are anti-spam tools which block humans without even giving them a chance to prove otherwise.