Disable updates, keep notices
Published September 12th, 2016 under Plugins
Using DISALLOW_FILE_MODS disables WordPress update notices. Jay Dansand of Lawrence University has solved this via an elegant little plugin.
Published September 12th, 2016 under Plugins
Using DISALLOW_FILE_MODS disables WordPress update notices. Jay Dansand of Lawrence University has solved this via an elegant little plugin.
Published July 28th, 2016 under Misc
I am the hipster of helmet cams, but now I have “cap cam” 🙂 I just sticky taped my camera to my running cap to test out the Microsoft Hyperlapse software.
Published April 12th, 2016 under Food
We were taught that sodium chloride and potassium chloride behave the same chemically. Tonight I seasoned my popcorn with potassium chloride.
Published January 20th, 2016 under General
WordPress 4.4 added an improved system for dynamically adding page templates via plugins. To make this simple for you to implement yourselves, I’ve created this short example class.
Published September 8th, 2015 under General
People sometimes ask why I bought a pair of €300 headphones. The answer is very simple, noise cancelling.
Published August 5th, 2015 under General
WordPress is being translated into the glorious language of Kiwi English 🙂 The hard yakka has been done by Tarei and I added a few extra strings in.
Published August 3rd, 2015 under Plugins
To encourage WordPress plugin users to review my plugins on WordPress.org, I decided I should prompt users to review them.
Published August 1st, 2015 under Plugins
CAPTCHA’s are bad ‘mkay! But worse than CAPTCHA’s, are anti-spam tools which block humans without even giving them a chance to prove otherwise.
Published May 8th, 2015 under Food
Here is the recipe for a yummy little batch of chocolate protein fudge. Please leave a comment if you try it out.
Published March 30th, 2015 under Plugins
I had serious trouble today in trying to figure out how to disable the stylesheets in the Soliloquy plugin for WordPress.