Hellish Simplicity is a minimilistic two column design with a distinctive red, black and white design. It was created as the blog theme for https://ryan.hellyer.kiwi/ and by request was made available to the public as a free download and has now been added as one […]
Basic blue is a minimilistic two column template which was designed as a simple base for more advanced designs to be created from. Download template as a WordPress theme Download Basic blue 1.0 (link coming soon) Basic blue as a base This design was used […]
Theme designed for use with the Simple CMS WordPress Plugin.
The Simple CMS WordPress Theme is designed as a development theme for the Simple CMS WordPress plugin.
Continuing on from the Aqua Vaccinium WordPress theme, is the release of my personal blog theme.
Aqua Vaccinium features a smooth blue and green theme and has a prominent Suckerfish dropdown menu built in (no plugin needed).
Visit our WordPress theme demo site to see Aqua Vaccinium in action.
We’ve tried to keep the theming as simple as possible to allow for easy customisation. There are only five template files, plus images, javascript and css files. The original build file for the logo (PSD format) is included, so you can edit it to match your own site name.
The main dropdown menu is set to display categories by default, but you can insert other pages into your dropdown if you like. The blue section (below the main menu) displays either the blog description or the category description depending on what page you are on.