Vassilis from contacted us recently about utilizing our Theme Integrator to make their SMF forum match the design of their site.

As you can see below, their WordPress powered blog has a very attractive design.

However their forum was not so beautiful. It was sporting the basic default theme which came with the SMF forum software.

However, a quick visit to Dziner Studios and implementation of the Theme Integrator to grab the header and footer of the WordPress theme, along with a few minor changes here and there resulted in the stunning forum design you can see below.

The final design can be seen at: and

SMF widget

We also implemented the PixoPoint SMF Widget to show the latest forum posts in the WordPress sections of the site.

Interested in a similar integration?

If you are interested in a similar integration of your WordPress theme with another piece of software (this system works with pretty much any forum, wiki, gallery software etc) then please get in touch with us for pricing information or if you know some HTML/CSS, then download the PixoPoint Theme Integrator and you can do it yourself for free.