Hellish Simplicity update
Published August 18th, 2013 under Templates
There is an update available for the Hellish Simplicity theme. I will not be updating the main download page for the theme.
Published August 18th, 2013 under Templates
There is an update available for the Hellish Simplicity theme. I will not be updating the main download page for the theme.
Published March 10th, 2013 under Templates
A very popular theme of mine has an overdue upgrade. Simple CMS theme was released in 2009 and was intended for use in building very simple static websites.
Published June 14th, 2010 under Templates
WordPress.com has performed some updates to the Titan theme recently. They removed the <h1> tag from the header and moved the navigation into the header area instead of below it. This has caused some problems with the CobaltCloud theme which is built on Titan. CSS […]
Published April 21st, 2010 under Templates
After we redeveloped the Red Devils ice hockey team site on WordPress.com, we felt the urge to create something which could be benefit the rest of the WordPress.com community. It is not possible to upload themes to WordPress.com per se, but it is possible to […]
Published January 31st, 2009 under Templates
We have recently added some improvements to the menu system within the PixoPoint Template Generator. Dropdown shadow as seen in the Revolution Generated theme Most of these changes are under the skin, improvements to cross-browser compatibility, bug fixes etc. However one of them is the […]
Published January 17th, 2009 under Templates
A new version of the Simple CMS theme is now available. Download Simple CMS theme version 1.5 The Simple CMS theme does not display comments, tags, categories or anything not needed for a basic static website. The theme folder only contains four PHP files, header.php, […]
Published January 15th, 2009 under Templates
We have received numerous requests for the implementation of a magazine style templates into the PixoPoint template generator. We originally intended to launch an entirely new magazine style theme of our own creation, however Brian Gardner of the Revolution themes recently announced a new site, […]
Published December 21st, 2008 under Templates
We’ve completed a large update today for the PixoPoint Template Generator. The changes include a huge number of bug fixes. Thank you very much to the dozens of you who have reported various bugs to us, without your help we wouldn’t have been able to […]
Published November 30th, 2008 under Templates
The Aqua Vaccinium template features a smooth blue and green design and has a prominent dropdown menu built in (no plugin needed). The template was originally released as a standalone theme, but has been incorporated as one of the standard templates in the PixoPoint Template […]
Published November 30th, 2008 under Templates
WordPress is a powerful Open Source blogging application. The PixoPoint template generator includes an ‘export to WordPress’ option to allow you to create a WordPress theme from scratch without needing to touch a single line of code! To create your own WordPress theme, design your […]