Sorry, but there are better ways to do this now. This project has been deprecated and is no longer in development. This page will be kept online for archival purposes and in case anyone is still interested in the project despite being no longer maintained.

WordPress is known for it’s “five minute installation”. However here at PixoPoint we’re found it takes me a lot longer than five minutes due to thelaborious task of uploading stacks of files via FTP on slow internet connections.

To improve the upload time, we are releasing a very simple script which allows you to upload the raw file (as downloaded from along with the script, and when the script is run it is able to decompress the zip file directly onto your webhost. The raw zip file is significantly faster to upload than all of the files on their own.

Download PixoPoint Unzipper for WordPress

We understand that another company is developing a product which will allow you to simply upload a script which when executed will download WordPress for you, provide an easy to use interface for writing your wp-config.php file, delete itself then run the regular WordPress installer. We will post a link back to that product on this blog post when it is available. In the mean time, our simpler tool will hopefully be of use to some of you.