The WordPress gallery code has always frustrated me with what feels like excessively bloated HTML. I’ve never needed a definition list for an image gallery, but this is what WordPress provides by default. In most situations, all I require is a mega simple unordered list.

The following code implements the WordPress gallery code as a very simple unordered list, with what is hopefully the bare minimum of code bloat (aside from the extraneous stuff that WordPress adds to the img tags).

If using this, don’t forget to of course add your own custom CSS to style it, as it’ll look quite odd by default 😉


 * Converts the somewhat convoluted web of HTML that WordPress adds to their 
 * default WordPress galleries, into a super simple unordered list.
 * Includes a class for CSS targeting for when the number of columns changes.
 * This will look odd by default, don't be silly and leave it without some custom CSS ;)
add_shortcode( 'gallery', 'modify_the_wordpress_gallery' );
function modify_the_wordpress_gallery( $attr ) {

	// If no IDs set, then bail out.
	$ids = $attr['ids'];
	if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
		return '';
	} else {
		$ids = explode( ',', $ids );

	// Randomise the order if orderby is set.
	if ( isset( $attr['orderby'] ) ) {
		shuffle( $ids );

	// Get the number of columns.
	$columns = 3;
	if ( isset( $attr['columns'] ) ) {
		$columns = $attr['columns'];

	// Get the type of link.
	$link = 'attachment';
	if ( isset( $attr['link'] ) ) {
		$link = $attr['link'];

	// Get the image thumbnail size.
	$size = 'thumbnail';
	if ( isset( $attr['size'] ) ) {
		$size = $attr['size'];

	// Implement an unordered list.
	$html = '<ul class="gallery columns-' . absint( $columns ) . '">';

	// Loop through each attachment ID.
	foreach ( $ids as $key => $attachment_id ) {
		$html .= '<li>';

		// Do something if there's meant to be a link.
		if ( 'none' !== $link ) {

			if ( 'file' === $link ) {
				$url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'full' )[0];
			} else {
				$url = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id );

			$html .= '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '">';

		// Output the image.
		$html .= wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $size );

		// Close link if required.
		if ( 'none' !== $link ) {
			$html .= '</a>';

		// Implement a caption if relevant.
		$caption = wp_get_attachment_caption( $attachment_id );
		if ( '' !== $caption ) {
			$html .= '<p>' . esc_html( $caption ) . '</p>';

		$html .= '</li>';

	// Close the unordered list.
	$html .= '</ul>';

	return $html;