Here are the slides from various presentations I've given. Unfortunately, I haven't kept the slides from some presentations, but most of the important ones are here.

WordCamp Netherlands 2023
Discover my WordCamp Netherlands 2023 talk, “Bytes and Minds: Navigating Mental Health in the Tech World.” Dive into my personal experiences and strategies for mental health recovery in the tech industry. You’re not alone; let’s work towards better well-being.

Pokhara 2019
While visiting Nepal, Milan Ivanovic and I were asked to give presentations at the local Pokhara WordPress meetup. My talk was titled “Road to plugin development”. Download PDF | Download PPTX

Become a Caching King
The topic “Let’s talk about caching problems and solutions!” popped up as the topic for the Backend Web Berlin meetup group.

BirdCamp I – Seitengeschwindigkeit
BirdCamp I – Seitengeschwindigkeit. Friday March 20th 2015. Download PDF | Download PPTX

WordCamp Norway 2015
I gave a presentation at WordCamp Norway 2015 titled “Speed is key. How and why to use caching on your website.”

WordCamp Norway 2014
I gave a presentation at WordCamp Norway 2014 titled “Security. It’s not paranoia when they’re actually out to get you!”.

WordPress Oslo meetup 2013
I gave many presentations at the WordPress Oslo meetups, but didn’t prepare slides for most of them apart from this one in 2013, titled “Embedding Facebook”.

WordCamp Transylvania 2013
I gave a presentation at WordCamp Transylvania 2013 titled “Decisions, not options”. The conference was in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

WordCamp Edinburgh 2012
Arnstein Larsen and myself co-presented a talk titled “Metronet Plugins. Why we make them and why you should too” at WordCamp Edinburgh 2012.

WordCamp Lisboa 2012
I presented a talk at WordCamp Lisboa 2012, titled “Tortoise vs the hare. High performance WordPress hosting on the cheap”.

WordCamp Norway 2012
I presented a talk at WordCamp Norway 2012 in Oslo. I moved to Oslo only a week before the presentation. The presentation was titled “WP Paintbrush. WordPress for those who hate writing code”.
WordCamp Wellington 2011
The slides for this presentation have been lost :/ Titled “Easier WordPress”. zbench theme options – options for where sidebars go. multisite setup pressabl – rather than allowing people to add php in templates, having a code replacement scheme – ie [] for specific code.

WordCamp New Zealand 2009
I gave a presentation at WordCamp New Zealand 2009 in Wellington city, titled “Code without Coding”.
View and download my 2007 IC07 conference poster, presented at the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Note: This is an earlier draft with some errors and missing data.